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File upload

File uploads are a common requirement in web applications, allowing users to upload files like images, videos, documents, etc. to the server. In ExpressoTS, you can handle file uploads using the multer middleware, which simplifies the process of receiving files from the client.

The multer middleware handles the multipart/form-data encoding used for file uploads, parsing the incoming request and storing the files in a specified location on the server.


Install the multer middleware using npm.

npm i multer && npm i -D @types/multer

With multer installed in your project, you can now use it to handle file uploads in your ExpressoTS application via app provider or on specific routes.

Usage example

Here's an example of how to use multer in the app.provider.ts file to handle file uploads.

Create multer object then use it in the router
export class App extends AppExpress {
private middleware: IMiddleware;
private provider: ProviderManager;

constructor() {
this.middleware = container.get<IMiddleware>(Middleware);
this.provider = container.get(ProviderManager);

protected configureServices(): void {
const file = this.middleware.setupMulter({ dest: "uploads" });

path: "/",
middlewares: [file.single("file")],

In the example above, we create a multer object with the destination folder for storing the uploaded files. We then use the file.single("file") middleware to handle a single file upload with the field name file.

Simplest use case of file upload with ExpressoTS.

Simplest use case of file upload
export class AppController {
@FileUpload({ fieldName: "avatar" }, { dest: "uploads/" })
execute() {
return "File uploaded successfully";

If Request and Response objects are not included in the method, the @FileUpload decorator will automatically inject them into the method providing a standard response using res.send() method.

File upload decorator

You can also use the @FileUpload decorator to handle file uploads on specific routes.

File upload decorator
@FileUpload({ fieldName: "file" }, { dest: "uploads/" })

Single file upload

You can handle single file uploads by specifying the fieldName option in the @FileUpload decorator.

Single file upload
export class AppController {
@FileUpload({ fieldName: "file" }, { dest: "uploads/" })
execute(@request() req: Request, @response() res: Response) {
return res.status(200).send("File uploaded successfully");

In the example above, we use the @FileUpload decorator to handle file uploads on the / route. The fieldName option specifies the field name of the file input, and the dest option specifies the destination folder for storing the uploaded files.

Array of files

You can also handle multiple file uploads by specifying the maxCount option in the @FileUpload decorator.

Multiple file uploads
export class AppController {
@FileUpload({ fieldName: "files", maxCount: 5 }, { dest: "uploads/" })
execute(@request() req: Request, @response() res: Response) {
return res.status(200).send("Files uploaded successfully");

In the example above, we use the maxCount option to specify that a maximum of 5 files can be uploaded. The fieldName option specifies the field name of the file input, and the dest option specifies the destination folder for storing the uploaded files.

Multiple file fields

You can handle multiple file fields by specifying the fields option in the @FileUpload decorator.

Multiple file fields
export class AppController {
{ fieldName: "avatar", maxCount: 1 },
{ fieldName: "gallery", maxCount: 2 },
{ dest: "fields/" }
execute(@request() req: Request, @response() res: Response) {
return res.status(200).send("Files uploaded successfully");

In the example above, we use an array of objects to specify multiple file fields. Each object contains the fieldName and maxCount options for the file input fields. The dest option specifies the destination folder for storing the uploaded files.

Any file type

You can allow any file type to be uploaded by specifying the fileFilter option in the @FileUpload decorator.

Allow any file type
export class AppController {
@FileUpload({ any: true })
execute(@request() req: Request, @response() res: Response) {
return res.status(200).send("File uploaded successfully");

In the example above, we use the any option to allow any file type to be uploaded. This option bypasses the default file type filter and allows all file types to be uploaded.

No file type filter

You can disable the file type filter by specifying the disableFileFilter option in the @FileUpload decorator.

Disable file type filter
export class AppController {
@FileUpload({ none: true })
execute(@request() req: Request, @response() res: Response) {
return res.status(200).send("No file uploaded, form data received");

Make sure to explore the multer documentation for more options and configurations to handle file uploads in your ExpressoTS application.

The @FileUpload decorator supports all the options provided by multer.

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