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Express.js offers a render method to render a view and send the rendered HTML string to the client.

In ExpressoTS as we do support Express.js, we also support the render capability offered by the HTTP response object.

ExpressoTS implements a basic support for render engines in the Application class. At the moment the number of renders supported is limited to Handlebars.

We created the RenderTemplateOptions interface to provide a structure for the configuration options of future render engines. Currently we just support a very limited number of options for Handlebars, but we will expand this in the future, not just the options but also the number of supported render engines.

IHandlebars interface example

interface IHandlebars {
* Specifies the extension name for the Handlebars templates.
extName: string;

* Specifies the path to the directory containing the Handlebars templates.
viewPath: string;

* Specifies the function for rendering Handlebars templates.
engine: Engine;

type RenderTemplateOptions = IHandlebars;

How to use

import { AppInstance, IHandlebars, ServerEnvironment } from "@expressots/core";

async function bootstrap() {

// Setting handlebars as the view engine.
extName: "hbs",
viewPath: path.join(__dirname, "..", "views"),
engine: engine({ defaultLayout: "layout", extname: "hbs" }),

AppInstance.listen(3000, ServerEnvironment.Development);


For the code above to work, you need to install the express-handlebars package as well as having a folder structure similar to the one below.

Folder structure

| |--layouts
| | |--layout.hbs
| |--index.hbs

Installing express-handlebars

npm i express-handlebars

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