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In order to provide a better developer experience, the ExpressoTS CLI provides a set of commands to help you scaffold the application resources such as use cases, controllers, DTO's, providers and services.

This command allows developers to stay ahead of the curve by generating the boilerplate code for the application, so they can focus on the business logic.

Command Syntax

The generate command can be executed as follows:

expressots generate <resource> <structure>

Or in its short form:

expressots g <resource> <structure>

Command Structure

We provide two different structures to scaffold the resources:

  • [entity-action]: expressots generate service user-create This will create this folder structure: /user/create and the file: user-create.[resource].ts

  • [folder/subfolder/resource]: expressots generate service user/create This will create this folder structure: /user/create and the file: create.[resource].ts

    If you add / at the end of the structure, the CLI will create the resource inside of the folder. Example: expressots generate service user/create/ Structure: user/create/ and the file: create.[resource].ts

Resource Root Folder

  • The root folder for all resources is the src folder. This can be changed in the expressots.config.ts file.
  • In the opinionated mode, the root folder is the src folder and the resources scaffolded with service, usecase, dto, controller are created inside of the useCases folder.
  • Entities are created inside of the entities folder, and providers inside of the providers folder.

Resource Types

Current available resources:

Long formshortCommandExpected result
usecaseuexpressots g u user/findUse case to be created in the folder useCases with this folder structure: user/find
controllercexpressots g c user/findController to be created in the folder useCases inside of user/find
dtodexpressots g d user/findDTO to be created in the folder useCases inside of user/find
providerpexpressots g p email/emailProvider to be created in the folder providers inside of user/find
servicesexpressots g s user/findService creates usecase, controller and DTO and add them in the desired folder user/find
entityeexpressots g e userEntity to be created in the folder entities with this folder structure: user
middlewaremiexpressots g mi authMiddleware to be created in the folder middlewares with this folder structure: auth
modulemoexpressots g mo userModule to be created in the folder where controllers and usecases are located

All resources can be created using the structure folder/subfolder/resource.

Scaffolding using hyphenated names

For services, you can take advantage of creating the use case, controller and DTO at once using the structure entity_action or entity-action. Example: expressots g s user-create.


The expressots.config.ts configuration file, located in the project root folder, determines where all resources will be created.

ExpressoTS Config File

The configuration file is located in the root folder of the project and it's called expressots.config.ts. This file is used to configure the CLI and the project.

Here is the current configuration file with all the available options:

import { ExpressoConfig, Pattern } from "@expressots/core";

const config: ExpressoConfig = {
sourceRoot: "src",
scaffoldPattern: Pattern.KEBAB_CASE,
opinionated: true,
scaffoldSchematics: {
entity: "entity",
provider: "provider",
module: "module",
controller: "controller",
dto: "dto",
middleware: "middleware",
usecase: "useCases",

export default config;
  • sourceRoot: the root folder that will be used by the CLI to create the resources. Default: src
  • scaffoldPattern: the pattern that will be used to create the resources. Default: Pattern.KEBAB_CASE. Example: user-create
  • opinionated: if true, the CLI will create the resources using the opinionated folder structure
  • scaffoldSchematics: the folder convention names for each resource. Default: useCases, entities, providers, middlewares, controllers, dtos


Try to use as many different forms of creating resources as possible. This will help you to understand how the CLI works and how to use it in your favor. It also helps us improve the CLI to make it more robust.

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