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Render engine

ExpressoTS enhances the web server capabilities of Express.js by providing a streamlined experience for rendering views. ExpressoTS supports 3 render engines out-of-the-box.

This makes it easy for developers to start rendering views without needing additional configuration, as default settings are provided for each supported engine.

Supported engines

ExpressoTS supports the following render engines:

  • EJS
  • PUG
  • HBS (Handlebars)

Engine options

Configuration options

export type HandlebarsOptions = {
viewEngine?: string; // The view engine to be used
viewsDir?: string; // The path to the views folder
partialsDir?: string; // The path to the partials folder

Default configuration values

viewEngine: "hbs",
viewsDir: <root>/views,
partialsDir: <root>/views/partials,

Default folder structure

| |--partial.hbs

.hbs file example

<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>HBS Example</title>
<h1>Hello from HBS</h1>
<p>Render partial: {{> partial}}</p>

All engines follow the same structure, with the exception of the partials folder, which is specific to Handlebars.

Setup a render engine

Here's how you can set up a render engine like HBS (handlebars) in your application:

In the app.provider configuration provider, you can set the render engine:

export class App extends AppExpress {
private middleware: IMiddleware;
private provider: ProviderManager;

constructor() {
this.middleware = container.get<IMiddleware>(Middleware);
this.provider = container.get(ProviderManager);

protected configureServices(): void {
// Set the render engine to HBS


protected async postServerInitialization(): Promise<void> {
if (this.isDevelopment()) {

protected serverShutdown(): void {}

If you want to pass custom options to the render engine, you can do so by passing an object with the desired options to the setEngine method. For example, to set the views directory to a custom path, you can do the following:

Custom render engine configuration
this.setEngine<HBS>(Engine.HBS, { viewsDir: <<custom-option>> });

Render views

To render a view in ExpressoTS, you can use the render method provided by the Response object. Here's an example of how you can render a view in ExpressoTS:

root(@response() res: Response) {
res.render("index", { date: new Date(), name: "Random information" });

In the example above, the render method is called on the Response object, passing the name of the view to be rendered and an object with data to be passed to the view. The view engine will render the view with the provided data and return the rendered HTML to the client.

Render decorator

The @Render decorator can be used on controller methods to render views using the specified view engine. It's a syntactic sugar that simplifies the process of rendering views in ExpressoTS.

Here's an example of how you can use the @Render decorator to render a view in ExpressoTS:

Rendering passing the view and default data in the decorator
@Render("index", { date: new Date(), name: "Random information" })
root() {}
Rendering passing only the view in the decorator
root() {
return { date: new Date(), name: "Random information" };

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